Alma from Italy
Birthday is November 28 and she is 17 years old.  Her father is a dentist and mother a housewife.  She is an only-child.  Her English is "fair" and her strong areas in school are math, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, we will let her slide a bit on the English proficiency.  She comes from a school of 1730 so will fit right in to the big-school environment at SMNW.  However she comes from a small, quiet village. 
Her counselor is Becca Coleman.  Her 1st host family is Matt and Kamille Merz from Lenexa.
Ana from Romania
Birthday is September 22 and she is 16 years old.  Her father is an engineer and her mother is a doctor.  She has a brother, Teodor.  She is fluent in English and is fair in German.  The number in her school is 2140 and she also lists math, chemistry, etc. as her classes.  Other interesting classes are Logic and Plastic Art. 
Her counselor is Lenet Compton.  Her 1st host family is Greg and Judith Schieszer from Prairie Village.
More on school and home life next week.  The girls are arriving early August!
Please reach out to me if you are interested in hosting January thru May 2017 or know someone who may be interested in hosting.  I can be reached at 913-209-3864 or